Warm Spaces, Warm Hearts

Warm Spaces, Warm Hearts by Gracie Hale
Read the article here on the Halesowen News website: https://www.halesowennews.co.uk/news/young-reporter/23161354.warm-spaces-warm-hearts-gracie-hale-boa-stage-screen/
In response to the cost of living crisis and rising energy costs, Trent and Dove housing have set up community spaces for anyone to go to get warm and access food. With two community spaces set up across two areas of Burton on Trent, this community project is providing a safe and homely environment for everyone.
Trent and Dove are social housing providers located in Burton on Trent. They work to administer affordable housing and support to help people, communities and neighbourhoods thrive. The cost of living crisis alarmed the organisation as they recognised that rising costs could have a consequential impact on their customers. They acknowledged early on how the surging costs would hinder their customers’ access to good, nutritious food and in many cases cause them to struggle to afford heating for their homes.
The warm spaces project is delivered from within the Community Engagement team at Trent and Dove housing, with the support of local volunteers. Together they have created two ‘Warm Spaces’ across Burton on Trent and have hosted a small number of successful community projects. Due to the triumphant achievement of these projects, it’s clear to see that these spaces are already viewed as inviting, friendly and warm by the local community.
Dawn Maddin, the Community Engagement Manager at Trent and Dove housing, commented that ‘anyone is welcome to attend either venue, receive food at no cost or for a suggested donation, enjoy a warm space and the opportunity to meet people’. Since receiving funding, the team have also been able to employ a project coordinator and two assistants. With these members of staff, the team is able to provide access to no cost food Monday-Friday from both venues.
The cost of living crisis is impacting all of us, so providing a space where anyone can go is a major step in supporting the community. At a time where the price of everyday essentials is rising, everyone is welcome to a ‘Warm Space’.